Open to Possibility
At that point in time, I was teaching upward of 10-12 classes per week and had little to no physical recovery time from my schedule…. My myriad of issues included plantar fasciitis, bulging & herniated lumbar discs, DeQuervain tenosynovitis and hip bursitis as the high spots. Regardless of my yoga training, I was unable to find the “fix” and long-term relief evaded me. It was a double-edged sword of frustration and pain, but I continued to look for outside sources to fix my inside issues.

Learning to Move Better to Feel Better
Did you know that from birth to age two, infants begin to explore and discover the world around them and gain knowledge from their senses and motor movements? They call this the "sensorimotor" stage of development.

What Are You Doing on the Floor?
Last year, while visiting my parents at their retirement home, a nonagenarian resident tapped me on the shoulder. She said, “You do not walk like the rest of your family.”